The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.
~ Herbert Spencer
For more information and curiosities
In an ever-changing market, companies need to change and adapt quickly. They also coexist different study paths and experiences within them, sometimes without a common denominator. This is why continuous training is needed.
But if today the training offer is even too much rich, what is missing is the orientation.
Adimer guides you in the construction of a targeted training course in Marketing and Business management in all possible specific variations for your sector and staff.
The only things that evolve by themselves in an organization are disorder, friction and malperformance.
~ Peter Drucker

Companies are created to do together what we canot do alone.
~ Peter Drucker
Internal marketing
As underestimated as indispensable to the success of the company, internal Marketing aims to make everyone an active part in creating and promoting the value of your product or service. Everyone in the company should know well and share vision, mission, values and difference that this brings to the market. Adimer accompanies you in identifying the distinctive factors of your brand and in sharing them with the entire work team.
Training for the Marketing area
Those who work in the Marketing or Sales area play a key role in creating commercial and promotional strategies. A complex activity that crosses relationship and communication skills with technical and data analysis skills. For this, in addition to a complete and continuous training, a deep understanding and sharing of corporate values and mission is necessary.
From close collaboration with highly innovative companies, Adimer has developed a solid experience for specific training in this area.
Our training proposal includes courses of:
Marketing 4.0
How to create an editorial plan
reporting and data analysis
Negotiation techniques
How to delegate
Sales strategies and techniques
How to segment the market
Public speaking
Training for new hires
In order for the new resources to be able to best express their potential, it is necessary to create a virtuous path from selection to insertion, through mentoring and training. Companies often don’t have the time and the right tools.
In close collaboration with the Management, the personnel department, the Marketing division and the area managers, or independently, Adimer creates the communication tools and the training path necessary for a correct insertion in the company staff.
The marketing of knowledge […] led to the industrial revolution.
~ Peter Ackroyd